
Monday, November 19, 2012

Eggplant Parmesan - Another Italian Masterpiece

This Egglpant is looking very delicious!
Eggplant Parmesan is a scrumptious dish

If you loved the Chicken Parm recipe, you will love this, too! The process of making it is almost the same. It's also so easy to make... Anyone can do this.  Even so, many are intimidated.   

The secret it to slice the Eggplant lengthwise, and make the slices about an 1/8th inch thick.  Also, you will need to press the sliced Eggplant for a few hours before preparing it.

This recipe uses both Italian seasoned breadcrumbs and Panko breadcrumbs...  

Although the Panko breadcrumbs are not Italian, they add something wonderful in texture to this classic dish.   If you don't have access to Panko breadcrumbs, you can just use the Italian seasoned breadcrumbs and you will also be delighted.

Note: use plain Panko breadcrumbs, not Italian Seasoned. 

The YouTube video is here:

Eggplant Parmigiana


  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 Cup Italian Breadcrumbs 
  • 1 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs
  • ½ Teaspoon Salt + extra salt to press Eggplant
  • 3  Eggs
  • 2-3 Eggplants
  • Marinara Sauce
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Olive Oil for Frying
  • Pasta of your choice

  1. Slice the Eggplant lengthwise about 1/8 inch slices.
  2. On a large cookie sheet, place a layer of paper towels.
  3. On the paper towels, make a singe layer of sliced eggplant.
  4. Lightly salt the Eggplant. 
  5. Cover the Eggplant with more paper towels.
  6. Make another layer ( Go back to step 3. ) and keep doing this until all your Eggplant is used up.
  7. Place another cookie sheet on top of the layered Eggplant.   Put something heavy on top of the top cookie sheet, and press the Eggplant for several hours.   This will remove some of the acid.
  8.  When ready to cook remove the Eggplant and bring to your stove.
  9. Heat the olive oil in a pan on Medium Heat
  10. Beat the eggs and put them in a bowl
  11. Combine the cheese, salt and both kinds of breadcrumbs and mix well.  Pour breadcrumb mixture in a pie plate, or something similar.
  12. Pour the flour in another pie plate.
  13. Dip the Eggplant in the beaten egg and thoroughly coat.
  14. Dip the egg covered Eggplant slice in bread crumb mixture.   Flip it over and thoroughly coat.
  15. Fry the coated slice of Eggplant in the olive oil.   Flip it and cook until golden brown.
  16. After all of your Eggplant is fried, coat the bottom of a tray with sauce.  Layer the Eggplant and sauce.   Top with the Mozzarella and cover with foil, so that the foil is not touching the cheese.
  17. Bake for 20 - 30 minutes, until cheese is melted and bubbling.
  18. While the Eggplant is heating, boil the pasta of your choice and heat up the remainder of your sauce…
  19. All should be ready at the same time.
  20. Pair with a glass of Chianti, or Borolo.

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