
Monday, November 5, 2012

Turkey Lasagna Recipe - Easy to make!

Turkey Lasagna - Healthy Turkey Recipe that Tastes Great
Turkey Lasagna - Healthy Turkey Recipe that Tastes Great
Italian Recipes With Turkey! In trying to come up with healthy recipe ideas that actually taste good, this was a no brainer.  Ground turkey chopped meat is usually available in the supermarket section next to the chicken.   You can use it wherever you may use ground beef, but make sure to cook it completely.

This Lasagna Recipe is excellent!  The turkey chopped meat makes the dish not as heavy as beef does, and in my opinion, taste better.

This is the pasta I use in this Lasagna Recipe
This is the pasta I use in this Lasagna Recipe
1 Box of Barilla No Boil Lasagna Pasta
1 lb of Ground Turkey Meat
1 lb of Ricotta Cheese
2 large Eggs
1 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
1 ½ lb Shredded Mozzarella
2 quarts Marinara Sauce
1 1/2 tsp Granulated Garlic
1 tsp salt
Chopped Fresh Basil to Garnish


Brown the chopped turkey meat.  Add the granulated garlic and salt to season the meat. Mix in some (not all) of the sauce to moisten it. You don’t need a lot of the sauce, just about a cup, or cup and a half.

Set the meat aside.

In a bowl, mix beat the eggs.    Add the Ricotta and stir in well.   Add the Parmesan cheese and stir in well.

Put some sauce at the bottom of a lasagna pan.

You are now going to assemble the lasagna in layers as follows:

  1. Place a layer of noodles on the sauce.
  2. Spoon and spread some of the Ricotta mixture on the noodles
  3. Spoon and spread some of the saucy chopped meat mixture on the Ricotta
  4. Sprinkle some Mozzarella on the Meat
  5. Spoon a little sauce on the Mozzarella
  6. Go back to step 1.

Do a few layers and end with a layer of noodles on top.  Put a thin layer of sauce on top.   On top of that, sprinkle some Mozzarella

Cover with Aluminum Foil, so that it is not touching the cheese, you may need to make a slight dome and perhaps use toothpicks…

Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.

Take top off and look.   If it is bubbling, great, if it needs more time, let it finish without the top.

Take the Lasagna out of the over and let it sit for about 20 minutes to solidify.  Garnish top with fresh chopped basil.

During this time, heat the remaining sauce on your stove to pour on top…  Also, add some nice garlic bread to your oven.    Pour a nice glass of your finest Chianti.


I hope you give this awesome Italian Recipe a try.   Making this lasagna recipe is easy to do and it is also very healthy too, as the turkey is lower in fat!


  1. So... what you are saying is not to boil the pasta before making the Lasagna?

  2. That is correct. You don't need to boil the noodles.
